Sunday 14 May 2023

Authentic Ivory Towers actually have a purpose

Amazing that it's lost on so many in the Republican Party that world leadership requires a meritocracy that is truly world-class and cosmopolitan in its worldview.

That is what assured America's power and wealth in the past.

One shudders at the thought of the tens of millions of half-baked hidebound-ignoramuses America's besieged educational system will produce decades from now  -  as the narrow-minded and shortsighted policies advocated by extremist right-wing politicians, such as Ron DeSantis, the current Governor of Florida, begin to affect America's place in the world.

Authentic Ivory Towers across America actually have a purpose - suprising though it might be to some: continously producing world-class leaders able to compete globally, successfully, to ensure America's leadership in all spheres of human endeavour. Cool.

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