Thursday 11 May 2023

Is high-level corruption the reason why Mother Ghana now faces ruination?

Why is Mother Ghana now facing ruination,  dear critical-reader? Is it because of the number of Ghanaian media practitioners, who are in the same situation that U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas finds himself today  -  bankrolled for decades by their own Ghanaian fatcat-equivalents of Justice Clarence Thomas' benevolent/malevolent Harlan Crow, anaaaaa? Hmmm, ey3nsem piiii, ooooo, Ghanafuor.

Furthermore, is Mother Ghana facing ruination, today, because so many of our major political figures are also beholden to super-wealthy state-capture rent-seeking criminal-types, and the big-thieves-in-high-places, who dominate our byzantine system, anaaaa, Ghanfuor? Hmmm, ey3asem, oooo - asem kesiy3 bi ebeba debi ankasa, ooooo, Ghanafuor.

Well, for sure, it is what it is, dear critical-reader -  but whatever be the case, Mother Ghana definitely faces ruination: if as wise and  aspirational Africans, we don't sit up, and finally take immediate steps to end high-level corruption in our Motherland, swiftly, ooooo, Ghanafuor. Yooooooo...

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