Monday 22 May 2023

India rid herself of its Maharajahs to prosper - should Ghana rid itself of its Chiefs, too, to prosper?

India rid herself of its Maharajahs to prosper. The question is: Must Ghana rid itself, of its Chiefs, too, in order to prosper? There are some Ghanaians who posit that one of the key reasons why Ghana has failed to realise her full potential, is because the meritocracy Nkrumah believed in, was jettisoned after his overthrow.

Those who took over the country after Nkrumah's overthrow in 1966, opted instead for inherited privilege's handmaiden, nepotism - the last bastions of which are the palaces of Chiefs: still packed with slaves, nationwide, as it happens, as we speak, Ghanafuor.

In that light, the question a wise and aspirational African people must ponder over is: Has the time not now come to demand reparations from the major betrayers of the Black race, African Chiefs, whose slave-raiding pillaging-wars, enabled them to capture their fellow humans, whom they callously sold to European slave traders, who sent them to the Americas and the Caribbean, in hellish conditions, on ships designed for that purpose?

India, which had Maharajahs who were a zillion times more powerful, and magnificent, than all our Chiefs, bar none, swiftly rid herself of them, because its nationalist leaders understood clearly that they had to rid India of inherited privilege, if its greatest enemy, meritocracy, was to power post-independence India's transformation, into a prosperous nation.

They were prescient: Today, India is a global economic powerhouse, while Ghana (which perversely thinks that, somehow, Chiefs, corrupt super-arrogant tribal-supremacists, who still enslave people, and commit  ritual murder, routinely, with impunity, are the embodiment of its culture), has become a bankrupted nation, dominated by the greed-filled rent-seeking progeny, of our pre-colonial ruling elites, whose citizens daily struggle to survive an unprecedented cost-of-living crisis, amidst galloping inflation nationwide.

Ghanafuor, the question we can no longer ignore pondering over is: If we are to prosper, like India has, must we also rid ourselves of the Chieftaincy institution, anaaa? Yooooooooo...

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