Friday 5 May 2023

Let's be real about reparation

There is a need for humankind  to be real about reparations: Truth be told, woke-reparations don't make sense one bit. Where is the money going to be sourced from to pay for them, one wonders?

Smart-reparations: Surely, 100-year tax holidays for businesses owned by descendants of slaves, and free trade agreements for nations with large populations of descendants of slaves, could make a difference - and help  to create self-bootstrapped generational wealth for slave descendant communities across such nations?
Above all, why have the descendants of the arrogant, greed-filled and super-ruthless African tribal ruling-elites that launched endless wars, to pillage and capture prisoners, to sell as slaves to foreign slave traders, escaped scrutiny - especially as their palaces are jam-packed with slaves, today, even as we speak: and some of them allegedly  engage in ritual murder, routinely, with total impunity? Let's be real about reparations, wai. Yoooooooo...

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