Monday 4 September 2023

Is the era of Africa's big-thieves-in-high-places drawing to a close?

As Niger's new military leaders show egregious-French-greed the red card, by kicking out its ambassador to Niger, and also refuse to sell France any more uranium, the people of Niger, can finally begin the journey to an equitable society, free from the bondage of French rip-off, neocolonialist egregious-exploitation,  of their nation's mineral wealth.

The building-blocks of the African Renaissance, are gradually being put into place, for an Africa, free from selfish and callous leaderships, lol. Marvellous.

Finally, dear critical--reader, the era of the acursed big-thieves-in-high-places, Africa's sodden state-capture rent-seekers - who are the fifth-columnist local lackeys, of foreign powers, forever promoting foreign interests, at Africa's masses' expense, and robbing their nations' blind, to send their personal net worth to stratospheric heights - is now drawing to a close, lol. Wow. Brilliant!

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