Monday 25 December 2023

Would low tax rates globally for humankind's 1% super rich spark prosperity worldwide?

Happy Holidays dear critical-reader. One also wishes Happy Holidays to all activists around the world, who fight daily, for the rights and well-being of base-of-the-pyramid demographics, globally.

That said, here is a creative contrarian idea that the world's activists can ruminate on during the Yuletide, which one hopes might help provide some of the resources needed for transforming the world into a more prosperous and equitable place, globally, which benefits humankind's base-of-the-pyramid demographics, too, in all the seven continents of the imperilled biosphere that is our common home:

It will be interesting, dear critical-reader, to know what disaster exactly would befall activists around the globe, in 2024, if we saw incentivising the world's 1% super rich to pay their fair share of taxes, as a common good cause to advocate for - and, in that light, recommended setting tax rates so low globally that it would make the world's 1% super rich, see regular full payment of their taxes worldwide, not as damaging to the wealth creation process; but rather see it as a clever step that enables them to contribute effectively, to making the planet Earth a much, much better place for all its societal demographics?

Dear critical-reader the question to ponder over is: Will incentivising the world's 1% super rich by setting tax rates incredibly low, globally, make sense - and would it work effectively to spark prosperity worldwide in practice, which would also benefit all humanity's base-of-the-pyramid demographics, too, everywhere humans inhabit globally? Doable? Yes? No?

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