Sunday 2 July 2017

Welcome to FundedByMe


6 years ago we launched FundedByMe - initially a simple project that aimed to change the way companies got financed and make it easier for everyday investors to discover global deal flow. Today, FundedByMe has allowed crowdfunding investors to invest more than €34,000,000 into small and medium-sized enterprises to help them grow!

Whether you are just getting started or already have a full understanding of how to invest in unlisted companies, we've put together a list of the most frequently asked questions below:

    What is equity crowdfunding?
    Who can invest using FundedByMe?
    How are companies valued?
    How is payment and share issues handled?

Browse all investment opportunities

Find all investor related questions here... or reply to this message to get the conversation started.

Arno and the FundedByMe Team

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