Wednesday 13 June 2018

Care2 Healthy Living/Jordyn Cormier: 5 Menopause Myths That Jurst Aren't True

Care2 Healthy Living | 5 Menopause Myths That Just Aren't True
5 Menopause Myths That Just Aren’t True

    By: Jordyn Cormier
    June 12, 2018

    About Jordyn

Every woman goes through menopause eventually, and—let’s be honest—most of us aren’t happy about it. In our culture, menopause is viewed as a sort of womanly punishment—a period of wild shifts and dips in mood, sex drive, sleep, and mental function.

The truth is, menopause isn’t all hot flashes, irritability, and foggy thinking. In fact, it’s probably not as bad as you think. Menopause is a widely misunderstood phenomenon. Here are five major myths about menopause that we need to clear up.

Menopause is a widely misunderstood phenomenon. Here are five major myths about menopause that we need to clear up.
Myth #1: You’ll hit menopause by the time you’re 50.  

While 51 is the average age, some women hit menopause much earlier or later. It’s not uncommon for women as young as 45 or as old as 55 to go through menopause. And some women may even hit it as early as 35 or as late as 60.

When you begin menopause depends on how many eggs you were born with, how healthy of a lifestyle you lead, your medical history and your genetics. Additionally, menopause doesn’t just happen. It’s a process that can sometimes take years.
Myth #2: Your metabolism will crash, and you’ll gain weight. It’s inevitable.

Menopause doesn’t necessarily mean that your metabolism is going to shut down for business. And even if you do gain weight, that doesn’t mean it’s stuck on there.

There is plenty of evidence to show that cleaning up your diet can balance out menopausal shifts in metabolism—meaning weight gain and a non-functioning metabolism isn’t imminent. It’s important, however, to maintain a healthy weight during these hormonal changes, as they can affect where and how fat is stored in the body.

Mature Woman Experiencing Hot Flush From Menopause
Myth #3: Get ready for major hot flashes.

Believe it or not, not all women get hellacious hot flashes. It’s estimated that 20 percent of women don’t experience any hot flashes during this period of hormonal shifts.

For the rest of us, hot flashes are much more manageable than you’d think.

The fact is, a lot of the negative side effects commonly associated with menopause can be counteracted with smart lifestyle shifts. Regular exercise has been shown to control hot flashes, improve mood, balance weight, and reduce fatigue. You don’t have to feel like you’re trapped in Satan’s sauna.

In addition to lifestyle shifts, there are plenty of natural remedies you can try to make these temporary hot flashes more manageable.
Myth #4: Your libido is going to take a major hit. 

While some women do experience a shift in libido during menopause, this is not necessarily a universal truth.

Going through menopause doesn’t mean your sex drive will automatically plummet. Yes, your estrogen levels will drop, but that doesn’t impact sex drive as much as you’d think. More often, the libido is stunted by other side effects, like vaginal dryness and moodiness.

But these issues are easily remedied with the help of a naturopath. If you do struggle with libido or sexual enjoyment during menopause, don’t worry. A decreased libido is only temporary, and most women go right back to their normal sexual appetites once they are post-menopausal.

Mature Woman Lifting Dumbbell At Home
Myth #5: It will be horrible.

Pop culture paints a caricature of menopausal women, but that doesn’t mean it is true.

The most important thing to know about menopause is that, yes it’s inevitable, but it will not necessarily be horrible. It’s not a punishment. Menopause is a natural bodily process that leads women from one phase of life into the next, and that’s an exciting thing.

Menopause is a time of profound emotional and spiritual growth. Keep a positive attitude and a clean lifestyle, and embrace the changes your body is going through.

Menopause simply means you stop ovulating. It doesn’t mean you stop being a vibrant, beautiful, active woman. Stay true to yourself.
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