Saturday, 2 March 2019

Should We Not Vow To Make A Fresh Start As A People - On Wednesday, March 6, 2019?

Sixty-two years ago, we finally managed to  free ourselves from the  jackboots, of the genteel but super-ruthless  British occupiers, of our beautiful and well-endowed  country. Sadly, however, the bitter truth, is that unfortunately - as a result of being governed  by a succession of mostly unimaginative and corrupt regimes - our homeland Ghana is still  dependent on foreign aid.

Clearly, if we are to progress as a people, we must change the way we do things, and become a more disciplined society. Above all, there is a desperate need for a new kind of politics - one anchored on the twin-bedrocks of high-principle  and unalloyed  selflessness. That ought to be obvious, to every Ghanaian who is discerning and independent-minded, who truly loves his or her motherland.

The question is: Will our nation ever get to the stage when it  is a well-governed, prosperous and self-reliant country,  with a well-managed national economy - which no longer requires aid from foreign governments? Alas, the short and honest answer, is that we are unlikely to attain that highly-desirous goal, any time soon.

How, dear reader, can our homeland Ghana ever be transformed into a prosperous  and equitable society, when the nation's media world, our political parties and Ghanaian officialdom, continue to be peopled - at the highest reaches - with so many morally bankrupt, greedy, dishonest and self-seeking individuals?

Finally, as a wise, aspirational and civilised African people, we must move quickly to repair Ghanaian society's threadbare moral fabric, if we are to ever  move forward. Hmmmm, Oman Ghana, eyeasem o: asem kesie ebeba debi ankasa. In any case, be that as it may, this blog says:  Happy Independence Day anniversary  to fellow Ghanaians everywhere. Perhaps the question we must ponder over  is: Should we  not vow to make a fresh start as a people -  on Wednesday ,  March 6, 2019?

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