Wednesday 11 October 2023

Does God Almighty now loathe our corruption-riddled nation - and thus abandoned it to its fate?

Does God Almighty now  loathe our corruption-riddled nation - and thus abandoned it to its fate?   Our homeland Ghana, is said to be a nation that is  predominantly Christian, in which booming mega-Churches regularly snap up disused factory buildings.

Meanwhile  our National Cathedral project stalls - as state funds are secretly funneled to greedy rogues. It's beyond belief.

So is it any wonder that we have ended up as a society jam-packed with: hypocrites; serial-philanderers; misogynists; corrupted-minds that engage in acts of petty-thievery in their work places; etc., ect.? Whose fault exactly  is it,  dear critical-reader?

The question that wise  and aspirational Africans ought to ponder over is: Might it be the the case that the Lord God Almighty, worshiped by Ghanaian Christians, alas  neither listens to their mercenary prayers,  nor blesses their congregations and their mostly  dishonest preachers?

And,  if this was not a nation of hypocrites, would the  selfsame condemnation of Trump by the presiding judge in New York State, not be considered as  justifiable-opprobrium, applicable to denouncing the egregious-corporate-crookery, adopted as its strategy-of-choice, by the Banque de  Edmund Rothschild Group-backed  and African Development Bank Group-backed Moringa, whose shocking corporate-criminality is unprecedented and unparalleled in the history of our private sector?

Ditto condemn their apparently ever so respectable local professional-enablers, including the lawyers helping them to exploit our justice delivery system, to deploy serial-frauds, twisted half-truths and plain lies, to legitimise their vile attempt, to steal B-BOVID from its brilliant, honest and principled Ghanaian   founder, orphan-made-good Issa Ouedraogo, in broad daylight, I ask, dear critical-reader? What Church is denouncing Moringa and its  respectable local enablers, as we speak, dear critical-reader?

And, if God Almighty had not abandoned our homeland Ghana,  because he hates our dishonesty, would this be a nation in which millions experience hunger on a daily basis, while a powerful and greedy few, keep huge sums of foreign currency and trillions of  our local junk currency, the  Ghana Cedi, in their palatial mansions, and in huge water tanks, purchased to store stolen public funds, for example?

Above all, let no Christian in today's Ghana,  think that the revolution sweeping across the Sahelian region,  will pass us by: for, Ghana too, will experience a bloody revolution after the 2024 presidential and parliamentary elections, if an attempt is made to rig it.

That revolution will make that of June 4th, 1979 look like child's play -  and will exact retribution from all  the big-thieves-in-high-places, in society,  whose unfathonable-greed, and egregious-dishonesty, contributed to the bankrupting of our homeland Ghana.

The  elite-gravy-train that is the 4th Republic, will then finally be discarded and end up on the rubbish heap of history.

God has definitely  abandoned Ghana, ooooo, Ghanafuor  -   and no amount of fasting and all-night high-decibel shouted-prayers, will make any difference. The question is: Does God Almighty now  loathe our corruption-riddled nation - and thus abandoned it to its fate?

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