Thursday 26 October 2023

Hon. Kwasi Amoako-Attah and Prof Stephen Adei: It's actually possible to build a long-lasting world-class road network in Ghana with zero corruption

Dear critical-reader, perhaps it might come as a pleasant surprise, to  Ghana's  Minister for Roads and Transport, Hon. Kwasi Amoako-Attah and Prof Stephen Adei (as well as tens of millions of ordinary Ghanaians too), that if we stepped out of the shadow of conventional economic thinking, as wise and aspirational Africans, our nation could actually build a network of world-class dualised tolled concrete motorways from Accra to all the regional capitals, which will be as good as those in Japan and Europe, without Mother Ghana having to  borrow even a pesewa to do so, ditto with zero corruption, too, on top of that blessing.

How, you might wonder, can Ghana, our beloved Motherland, build a network of world-class dualised tolled concrete motorways, from Accra to all the regional capitals, which will also be world-class, and just as good as those in Japan and Europe, without Mother Ghana having to  borrow even a pesewa, to do so, ditto with zero corruption, too,  dear critical-reader?

The answer, dear critical-reader, is simple: That infrastructure  Providential-blessing, could be made possible,  through  collaboration between Ghana's best private road contractors, and their counterparts in Japan and Europe. Simple.

The question is: Are even little schoolchildren across the entire landmass of the sovereign territory of the  Republic  Ghana, not aware, that  the leaderships of both those global economic powers, are quite keen on the idea of Global North nations like  theirs, funding Global South friend-shoring Belt-and-Road infrastructure projects, to enable them win Global South hearts and minds, away from the Chinese,  through soft-power-initiatives, which also happen to be beneficial to their own private sector entrepreneurs?

Put simply, dear critical-reader,  the idea, is for our country to allow global bidding to be opened, for the construction, in Ghana, of a network of world-class  tolled concrete motorways, from Accra to all the 16 regional capitals, by entities registered in Ghana, which will be joint-venture partnerships, between Japanese and European road construction companies, and the best world-class private Ghanaian road construction companies.

Furthermore, all the selected private-sector entities, which will be allowed to self-finance, build and operate those tolled dualised concrete motorways built in Ghana, for 35-year periods, will be incentivesed by being allowed to repatriate their profits 100 percent to Japan, and to the European Union member-nations that they are legally  domiciled in,  for the entirety of the 35-year period. Full stop. Case closed. Cool.

That, dear critical-reader, is cutting-edge-creative-thinking, which outlines the simple process of how highly-indebted Global South nations, such as now-bankrupted Ghana, can build world-class dualised tolled concrete motorways, nationwide, without burdening hapless taxpayers, in the process. Full stop. Case closed.

Finally, dear critical-reader, this old uneducated fool and  ignoramus,  Grandpa Kofi Thompson, would be most grateful, if someone could  please pass this short message on to Hon. Kwasi Amoako-Attah (Ghana's mecurial minister for roads and transport),  and Prof Stephen Adei, whom the minister has just referred to the Economic and Organised Crime Office (EOCO), for publicly alleging that bribes of GHC1 million are demanded by public officials, before road contracts are awarded in Ghana: Gentlemen, surprise, surprise - Mother Ghana's private sector, could actually partner private Japanese and EU road contstruction companies, to build a tolled, world-class dualised concrete motorway network nationwide, across the territorial landmass of our bankrupted Republic,  with zero corruption, and without our nation having to borrow any  money to do so, oooo, wai!

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