Wednesday 18 October 2023

Give me Elon Musk's absolutist free speech stance that underpins X (formerly Twitter), any day anytime

Dear critical-reader, give me Elon Musk's absolutist free speech stance that underpins X (formerly Twitter), any day, anytime and anywhere, for gauging the actual pulse of humanity, so to speak, and for the world's on-the-ground lifestreamed realities-reportage. 

Elon Musk's free speech absolutist stance makes a great deal of sense, in that sense, lol. How do you track the purveyors of hate, if you drive them underground by censoring them? Get it? Dig? Yooooooo...

The targeted demographics of the purveyors of hate, such as Blacks, Asians and mixed-race individuals, must simply become smarter, stronger & strike maximum-fear in such mostly-cowardly racists - not waste time moaning about their visibility on social media platforns, lol. Simple.

Black and other coloured demographics, which are minorities in the wealthy Global North nations, where far-right racist politicians are exploiting oft-ill-educated, unthinking and mostly-unhinged misfits, to rise to power (as wave upon wave of migrants mass up on their borders, in nations such as the UK and the U.S., for example), must take a leaf from the state of Israel's survival-handbook, and become smarter than their enemies in all spheres of human endeavour. Simple commonsense, really,  lol.

Ditto become stronger and strike even more fear in all racists who seek to physically eliminate them, at all material times, wherever they happen to live, worldwide:

They must always deal with all purveyors of hate, both online and offline, in heavy-handed-fashion, to swiftly neutralise them, when it matters most: when they pose a risk to life and limb - by instantly invoking the natural justice law of self-defence and terminate their unwelcomed-bile, swiftly and harshly. Do all religious faiths not approve of that basic natural justice law of survival, anaaaa, one asks, dear critical-reader, lol? Give me Elon Musk's absolutist free speech stance that underpins X (formerly Twitter), any day anytime. Case closed. Full stop.

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