Sunday 7 January 2024

A quick note to Issa Ouedraogo - on why Africa must rely on innovative African agripreneurs

Good morning, kindred-spirit. How are things on the Western front? Let's continue praying that you will be covered by the protective shield making a nonsense of the costly-malevolence of your evil enemies, who, perversely, are hell bent on unjustly ruining you.

Kindred-spirit, you are being protected, and are defeating Moringa, because Providence sees the importance of Ghana replicating your unique and highly successful agribusiness profit-sharing model, for its longterm benefit, rather than a gang of French racists and their local greed-filled enablers benefiting from it, unfairly, in egregious fashion.

The bald truth, is that for Moringa and the Receiver/Deceiver (R/D), B-BOVID is a commercial entity to ruthlessly extract value from, like any other business. 

That is why it is so pivotal that, through this example of frivolous bad faith abuse of our justice delivery system, by Moringa and the R/D, you and Team Sorey make the judge understand clearly that on the contrary, to be profitable, B-BOVID's focus, must perforce, be on ensuring the overall well-being of its value chain's  smallholder farmer-stakeholders, through your NGO, T.R.A.C.T.O.R.'s, charitable interventions. Greed-filled Moringa and the R/D, aren't cognitively wired to understand that. 

Furthermore, B-BOVID was conceived to leverage climate smart and cimate resilent agriforestry principles (that can be replicated nationwide and across Africa), to improve the natural environment in the served-communities, which B-BOVID's corporate footprint covers, and in so doing, assure Mother Ghana permanent food security, while at the same time also transforming lives in local farming communities, by empowering B-BOVID's smallholder farmer-stakeholder partners to bootstrap their own way to financial independence, through income stream diversification, to make your served area in rural Ghana (and farming areas nationwide), a prosperous and happy part of our nation, at a time when climate change is impacting our nation so negatively, through extreme weather events.

For all the above-mentioned reasons, kindred-spirit, it strikes me that the bad-faith application by the Receiver/Deceiver to the court, to imprison you, is yet another perfect example of Moringa's own-goal-stupidity, on which you and Team Sorey must capitalise, to obtain, at relatively little financial cost, what the GAC panel is asking you to pay USD25K, to pronounce on.

Kindred-spirit, do you realise that you now have the perfect opportunity, with Turpin's departure (the idiot whose compensation package of €25K you objected to and which led to the deterioration of your relationship with Moringa in the first place, lol), to tell the judge that the best way for the court to protect the interests of B-BOVID, is to take it away from the Receiver/Deceiver and Moringa (under whose control the company's finances are fast deteriorating), because neither Moringa nor the R/D, can ever make it a profitable agribusiness - precisely because they do not understand the spirituality and shared prosperity ethos, underpinning B-BOVID.

The fact of the matter, is that B-BOVID is designed to be a profit-sharing agribusiness, which has as its core-objective, improving and enhancing the lives of its partner smallholder farmers, and protecting and enhancing the natural environment, in which its business operations take place, using climate-smart and climate resilient agriforestry principles.

The departure of Antoine Turpin, since September 2023, now makes it even more imperative that you immediately take control of B-BOVID, from the clueless R/D, the washed up racist, Herve, and the criminal-minded Charles Adu-Frimpong. Full stop.

As it happens, together, those clueless rogues are running B-BOVID into the ground, literally -  as well as fast dissipating the reserves you built up, and accumulated, in various bank accounts of the company, while you were the substantive CEO/founder running B-BOVID.

The question to ponder over as wise and aspirational Africans is: Is B-BOVID not a partnership, which Moringa was able to secure, only through an unconscionable agreement, made possible by blatant conflict of interest, and a total disregard for the corporate good governance principles of duty-of-care, and duty-of-loyalty, by the unethical and self-dealing BELA?

As wise and aspirational peoples, to ensure rural prosperity and green economy jobs galore, perforce, all Africans must rely on Africa's most innovative social impact profit-sharing agripreneurs, like your good self, Issa. They must not stake the continent's longterm future, on ruthless and unethical foreign robber-baron-type racist profiteers, like Moringa - if we aim to make food security possible, across the entire landmass of our beautiful and bountiful continent. 

Finally, sadly, what Africa's mostly naive ruling-elites have failed to grasp, cognitively,  thus far, is that so-called foreign investors, such as the duplicitous  Moringa,  are in Africa solely to acquire land, and other green economy assets, cheaply, and use offshore tax havens, such as Mauritius and Luxembourg, to engage in tax evasion and illicit financial flows, to enable them successfully hoover up some of the trillions sloshing around the mostly opaque  climate mitigation financial world. Full stop. Case closed. Yoooooooo...

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