Wednesday 17 January 2024

Can the Global North prevent future waves of illegal migrants from massing up on its borders?

Dear critical-reader, how can the wealthy nations of the Global North, prevent future waves of illegal migrants from massing up on their borders? The views on that issue held by Ms. Giorgia Melon, the Italian Prime Minister, might be useful, in that regard:

Once upon a time, Ms. Giorgia Melon, condemned France, for its ruinous exploitation of Burkina Faso, in which young children (who in her view ought to have access to education and should be attending school), were forced by circumstances, to work in gold mines, to support their families.

The plain truth, dear critical-reader, is that Gobal North borders, such as the one between Mexico and the U.S., wouldn't be teeming with asylum seekers from the Global South, most of whom probably paid small fortunes to people-smuggling criminal syndicates, if impactful levelling-up schemes (such as the one this link leads to:, proliferated in hall the world's wealthy nations, to help empower ambitious, aspirational but needy-poor-individuals, amongst Global South base-of-the-pyramid demographics, to bootstrap their own way out of the poverty-trap, to financial independence, as micro-entrepreneurs in their home countries. No question. Full stop.

The question to ponder over, dear critical-reader, is: Why does it never apparently strike the Global North's far-right politicians that in the long-term, shared prosperity, worldwide, through private sector led social impact initiatives, using business methods, is the smartest way for rich nations to prevent waves of illegal migrants from poor nations massing up on the borders of the wealthy Global North nations that they lead, and dominate, so?

Is now not therefore the perfect time, for such far-right Global North politicians to wake up to that stark-reality, perhaps, dear critical-reader? No? Yes? A case of free advice to the too clever by half, wooly-brained wise-bone-headed politicos, perhaps, lol? Yes? No?

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