Sunday 21 January 2024

Will worldwide mandatory death sentences for online scams deter scammers globally?

Dear critical-reader, will worldwide mandatory death sentences for online scams deter scammers globally, one wonders? Only the victims of online fraudsters understand just how devastating being scammed actually is. It has ruined many around the world, as it happens.

Sadly, if effective measures aren't instituted against online scamming, globally, that crime against humanity will worsen. For sure.  According to Mastercard, for example, "Global ecommerce fraud is increasing, with losses reaching $41 million in 2022 and predicted to exceed $48 billion in 2023." That's intolerable, is it not, dear critical-reader?

In light of that, in one's humble view, to deter it effectively, it might very well be that the passage of legislation prescribing mandatory death sentences for online scamming worldwide, will be the only effective global antidote to online scams. Full stop.

Humankind needs to understand clearly that effective global antidotes to online scams, are crucial, at the cusp of the era when powerful, super clever chatbots will be underpinning the 5th and 6th industrial revolutions. Tardiness in so doing might harm millions worldwide - a scary prospect for vulnerable folk globally, lol.


"The concept of the Fourth Industrial Revolution was coined in 2016 by Klaus Schwab, the founder of the World Economic Forum, in a book of the same name."

"What is the role of AI in the 4th industrial revolution?
This new era is marked by more connected devices and digital tools, and AI is playing a bigger role than ever. It's helping automate factories, predict when machines need repairs, and make better business decisions. But this change also brings important questions about ethics and security.30 Jul 2023."

"What is the difference between the 4th industrial revolution and the 5th industrial revolution?
While Industry 4.0 marks an era of automation and robotics, Industry 5.0 puts the focus on people. With new inventions called “Co-bots”, which are collaborative robots that work alongside humans to increase efficiency, we can breathe out with the knowledge that human workers will not eventually become redundant.21 Aug 2023."

"Industry 6.0(Future Concept), also known as the sixth industrial revolution, is characterized by using advanced technologies such as quantum computing, and nanotechnology over the pre-built Industry 5.0 architecture.6 Mar 2023."

We rest our case, dear critical-reader: passing legislation
worldwide prescribing  mandatory death sentences for online scams, will definitely deter online scammers globally, and save millions from ending up becoming victims of sundry online scammers, as sure as day follows night, lol. A word to the wise...

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