Friday 5 January 2024

Starlink: Should Musk do for humanity what Tim Berners-Lee's free-for-all Internet business model has done?

Dear critical-reader, at the cusp of the AI-bedrocked 4th industrial revolution, should Elon Musk focus on doing for humanity, what Tim Berners-Lee's free-for-all Internet business model has done, and helped generate so much prosperity globally, too, with Starlink's direct satellite-to-smartphone cell service?

One has been mulling this over, since yesterday,  after AirtelTigo's  Internet service suddenly went kaput. It so happens, dear critical-reader,  that as we speak, one has been subjected to the intolerable and tiresome  enforced-experience, of being without Internet access, through no fault of one's - simply because the telecoms company whose super-expensive  broadband Internet service one subscribes to (now state-owned AirtelTigo), has, one assumes, been servicing its cell tower base network's equipment, and as usual, did so without a care about how that would  impact hapless  subscribers. Typical.

Yet, the world's telecoms companies need to quickly grasp the import of the operationalisation of SpaceX's superfast satellite-based global direct-to-smartphone cell Starlink Internet broadband service. Even an ignoramus and uneducated old fool like me has cottoned on to that, lol.

The bald truth, is that Starlink's satellite  direct to smartphone cell superfast broadband Internet service, has made the world's telecom sector's  operational cell tower backboned-infrastructure, an outmoded and valueless obselete technological burden, which has been universally disliked, till date, because it has always been seen by many globally as posing huge unacceptable risks, to public health, worldwide.

The situation of  telecoms companies today,  is  more or less akin to that faced by the manufacturers of horse drawn carriages,  when newly invented internal combustion engined motor vehicles, made travel by horse drawn carriages, a mobility sector  service that was suddenly seen for what it always was: a societal inconvenience with countless, unspeakable and abominable public-health-impacting  on-the-ground-negativities, that had to be swiftly consigned to the metaphorical landfill of history,  with the invention of internal combustion engined motor vehicles.

Dear critical-reader, in the same vein, the global telecoms sector,  as we currently know it, will soon disappear, as sure as day follows night, once it dawns on Elon Musk that, on the cusp of the AI-bedrocked  4th industrial revolution, he too must do for humanity,  what Tim Berners-Lee did, when he foresook profiting directly from  inventing the Internet that has fuelled such astonishing  prosperity globally, for decades now - although he could have chosen to  patent it, and made it a personal pay-walled-monopoly business model: guaranteed to make him, and all his family tree's descendants, super-rich, till the very end of time.

Although one isn't tech-savvy, and thus realises that one may be talking complete nonsense, lol, one's humble view,  is that, paradoxically, Musk's EverythingXApp, will profit mightily, financially, from a Tim Berners-Lee type Starlink, which, like today's advert-bedrocked corporate  behemoth,  Google, the world's preeminent search engine, owned by Tablet, will generate unimaginable wealth, for its promoters, too, from adverts.

Even though one isn't tech-savvy, one can foresee it generating unimaginable wealth for its promoters, via EverythingXApp services such as: an Uber-style flying cars/drones service worlwide; heavy-lift cargo drone service; a global point-to-point capital city budget airline with a fleet of Tesla manufactured electric aircraft; global mobile money service; global Skype-type phone service;  community WiFi micro-entrepreneurial ecosystem, that will  generate tens of millions of jobs, worldwide; drone bulk and container shipping service; affordable Grok-bedrocked  schools worldwide, providing world-class education from kindergarten to tertiary level;   etc., etc., to mention just a few of the future possibilities from a Tim Berners-Lee style free-for-all bouquet of services that awaits humanity, because of the free-for-all Starlink-bedrocked EverythingXApp.

That, dear critical-reader, is the reason why, at the cusp of the AI-bedrocked 4th industrial revolution, Elon Musk should focus on doing for humanity, what Tim Berners-Lee's free-for-all Internet business model has done, thus far, to enable him  help generate prosperity globally, too, for himself, his XCorp shareholders and humanity generally, in the era of the AI-bedrocked 4th industrial revolution.

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