Wednesday 10 January 2024

For peace worldwide to break out before 2024 ends the West must think the impossible

Dear critical-reader, to ensure that permanent peace breaks out, globally, before 2024 ends, the West's leaderships  must think the impossible - beginning with their nations' relationships with China and the Russian Federation.

Instead of seeing China as a potential foe, the West should rather focus on encouraging China's leaders to see their country as a global force-for-good. They must sign a non-interference treaty committing to not interfering in China's internal affairs, as a sign of goodwill and good faith.  

Ditto encourage China to sign a 99-year peaceful coexistence agreement (PCA), with Taiwan, which guarantees Taiwan the right to remain a separate state with a democratic system, free from interference in its internal affairs during the entirety of the PCA  -  and finally  become a fully integrated part of China after the 99 year PCA lapses. Simple.

The West must also offer Russia membership of both the European Union (EU), and the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation  (NATO), if it ends all its wars of aggression against its neighbours, and pulls out of all Ukrainian territory that it currently occupies.

Ditto end its post 2nd World War occupation of Japan's Kurile Islands, and pulls out all its military and administrative civilian personnel from the Kurile Islands,  and also  signs a new treaty of peaceful coexistence with Japan.

In exchange for all the above, dear critical-reader, the West must drop all planned future prosecutions of President  Putin, members of his Military High Command, as well as an end to sanctions imposed  against the Russian Federation and selected Russian  entrepreneurs amongst  the Putin-era ruling elites, for their alleged support for the invasion of Ukraine, by Russia.

Finally, perhaps it is by thinking the impossible, along the lines outlined  above, dear critical-reader, that the West can positively collaborate with China and Russia, to enable worldwide peace to break out, before 2024 ends? Yes? No? Doable?

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